The international book design competition “Best Book Design from All of the World” has been held in Leipzig since 1963. Since 1991,
Stiftung Buchkunst (German Foundation of Book Art) in Frankfurt am Main is responsible for organising the event.
The culture of book creation differs in various countries of the world; however, this competition is an attempt to compare the technical and aesthetic level of books produced there, as well as their artistic presentation, to continue developing books as media.
All countries where book design competitions are held are invited to submit books for the competition, and more than 30 countries participate in it each time. Every year, an international panel assesses hundreds of submitted books that have received awards in the national competition. The highest award, granted by the panel, is “Golden Letter”. In addition to it, one gold medal, two silver medals, five bronze medals and five diplomas of appreciation are awarded.
The award-giving ceremony is held at the Leipzig Book Fair.
All books submitted for the competition are exhibited at the Leipzig and the Frankfurt Book Fairs.
1994 – Imants Ziedonis. Epifānijas. Mākslinieks Ilmārs Blumbergs; izdevējs – “Preses nams”/ Vācijas UNESCO komitejas balva
2000 – Latviešu burinieki. Izdevējs – Rīgas vēstures un kuģniecības muzejs / Diploms
Nora Ikstena. Dzīves svinēšana. Izdevējs – “Atēna” / Diploms
2001 – Ivars Ivasks. Baltijas elēģijas. Izdevējs – ”Pētergailis” / Diploms
Daiga Upeniece, V. fon Zenbušs. Frīdriha Vilhelma Brederlo kolekcija / Diploms
2003 – A. E. Zalsters. Hercoga Jēkaba burinieki. Izdevējs – AGB / Diploms
2004 – Sastādījusi Inese Baranovska. Daba. Vide. Cilvēks. 1984. Izdevējs – Latvijas Mākslinieku savienība / Diploms
2005 – I.Zābere, I.Baranovska. Grāmata par Vilni Zāberu. Izdevējs – Latvijas Mākslinieku savienība / Diploms
2006 – Rainers Marija Rilke. Stundu grāmata. Gleznu tēlu grāmata. Izdevējs – Neputns / Diploms